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Rev. Dr Anthony Peabody
Holy Communion from St Mark's Englefield.
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Planning your Visit

A Warm Welcome

church doorway

The following information is for those planning a visit, to give an idea beforehand what to expect on a Sunday morning. We know it can feel a bit daunting at first but St Mark's is here for everyone and we LOVE welcoming new faces even if it is for a one-off visit.

Where and when

We meet at St Mark's Church (details here) for our Sunday Service which starts at 10:30am and lasts about an hour. We try to host services that A-R-E: Accessible, Relevant and Engaging. Please do let us know how we are doing!

When you arrive, you will be handed a service sheet and hymn book. You are welcome to sit anywhere. For your first visit, you might like to arrive 10-15 minutes early to ensure you can park (there is plenty of room on the drive outside the church - please try and avoid parking on the grass!) and find somewhere to sit before the service begins.

Our services always include Holy Communion shared at the altar rail. If you would like to have a brief prayer of blessing instead, please do come to the altar rail with everyone else and keep your hands down so that Julia knows. We are able to offer non-alcoholic wine and gluten-free wafers (please email a few days beforehand) and we are also happy to bring Communion to you in your seat - please just let the person on the door know. There is no obligation to kneel at the rail, you can receive Communion standing if you prefer. We encourage all children to come for blessing if they would like to.

Gravel Path to StMarks


The path to the church is gravel which can be tricky for wheelchairs but please don't hesitate to ask for help. There are two steps in the porch but there is a ramp available - just ask at the door or send an email to before you come. We have a wheelchair and there is also a sound loop for anyone who needs it. We have a composting toilet which also has a ramp and an accessible doorway but does not have grab rails.

What about my children?

We have a weekly programme of teaching and activities for young children:

  • Crèche (0 months to 3 years)
  • Sunday Club (3+ years)

On Sundays in half-terms and holidays when there is no teaching, there are colouring sheets in church, and toys and books available in the vestry.

Children stay with their parent or grown-up at the start of the service for the welcome and the first hymn. They come to the front during the last verse if they wish, for a short prayer together, before going out to the vestry. Adults are welcome to stay with their children - especially on a first visit - and as the vestry is just in the next room you will soon know if your presence is required! (If your child prefers to read or colour next to you that is really fine too!) The children rejoin the congregation for Communion and the final hymn. We often have refreshments after the service and juice and biscuits are provided.

The Sunday Club activities vary depending on the age but usually include a friendly welcome, a Bible story, crafts, games and free play. All our helpers are DBS checked and trained. Please see our Safeguarding information here. Please let the team know of any serious allergies or health conditions.


Say hello!

If you would like to learn more about St Mark's please do make yourself known to Rev Julia, or one of the churchwardens. They would be delighted to chat after the service.

We hope that whoever you are, you will feel at home at our church.

Best wishes

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